Sunday, August 1, 2010

movie sunday

hey love, so, i just got back from work and lemme just say that it was a movie marathon for both lix and i. haha
first it was, One Sad Family (or something like that)
second, Princess Protection Program
and lastly, Bounty Hunter

it was time for us to get give back our staff passes :D:D

i miss you alot. like alot, ALOT.
been thinking about you the whole day but security was being a pain in the ass, we couldnt bring in our phones so i couldnt spam you with my annoying texts.

youre coming back tomorrow and I AM SUPER EXCITED XD

oh and this punk ass kid from sabah who works there was so rude to me i just had to give him a piece of my mind, - sabahan style :D

cant wait to see your handsome beautiful face again sweetheart :)



thats my cousin Joshua whos staying with us until he settles in his uni

your monster

how can i not love that adorable face of yours

you need a scrunchie ^.^

yes you need a scrunchie honey. but you still look sexy to me =D


omg i miss your kisses :(

i miss kissing you bwahahaha


love you baby :)